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Let's go to college!

Links to Scholarship information for parents /friends/ families:

I have recently received several requests from parents about information for scholarships and financial aid for girls going into college in computer science, engineering, and math areas.

Please check out my growing resources page on this topic here! Also, your school guidance counsellor will be invaluable to you in the process of looking for colleges and financial aid. Please contact her or him as well!

There are many directions your daughter could venture into, and lots of computer science and engineering scholarships. Many universities have good engineering and computer science programs. She will need to pick a direction at some point-- does she want to do computer programming, or design the machines themselves? Does she want to create artificial intelligences or robots? Do structural, electrical, or environmental engineering? There are many scientific fields to choose from...

For computer science and engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon, Berkeley, Stanford, and MIT are all the top of the top. Some have interesting programs such as systems desgin, artificial intelligence, and georgia tech even offers a game programming class!

I wouldn't worry too much about her future salary -- if your daughter finds what she loves in these areas and sticks with it, I believe she will prosper. You will need to look for those scholarships, though; often they don't fall from the sky-- you will need to apply. Some schools offer good scholarships, and there are also independent organizations that offer money for women. Many schools have groups to support women students --for example, the University of Texas at Austin has a women in engineering group to support women in engineering.

{please note that this is only a fraction of what is out there! It is just to get you started!!}

Overall Financial Aid Introduction:

Financial Aid/Scholarship Mart

Specifically for Women:

Institution of Electrical Engineers

Society of Women Engineers

Funding specifically for people of color:
College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships & Postdoctoral Awards for Minorities

Minority College Scholarships

Once in college:

Scholarships for Women already in college





~ mary flanagan
assistant professor of digital media + multimedia producer
visit my personal website.